To from a Sad Korean Student

The last time I was this emotional, Club Penguin was shutting down. I first started using while doing my Korean military service in 2022. I was in the middle of grappling with a potential career change from law to tech, but was blocked by some petrifying imposter syndrome. I was pretty sure I wouldn’t have anything meaningful to contribute. Still, I silently toiled away at an amateur student portfolio, timidly hoping that something good would come out of this labor.

By some algorithmic lottery, I happened across I entered something called the Front Page and was blasted with hundreds of project thumbnails. It was another social mediaesque infinite scroll, but it felt like a different kind of scroll. Instead of infinite ‘noise’ and ‘flash’, I scrolled with infinite ‘awe’. That awe inspired me to keep on it, because it visually encompassed the idea that the pursuit of project was in of itself a good thing.

I came into with nothing. No real experience, no real portfolio, no Twitter following. I was but a sad Korean soldier trying to be productive. Yet, through, I found a community that welcomed without prerequisites. 

Some shoutouts because I owe so many incredible friendships to this platform:

  • I found mentors like Seungmee who sent me essays and essays worth of feedback on my portfolio and projects. We even got to meet in Singapore :)

  • I collaborated with Hannah who graciously and patiently shared her artistry with a rowdy group of Korean students.


  • Andy gracefully reposted my posts and every time he did, I got giddy. 

  • I’ve never interacted with Mehdi directly, but I know that I am a direct beneficiary of his godly programming prowess.

  • Steve Wang talked with me about the joy of music and the struggles of military service. We also met in Singapore!

  • Jedmund agreed to a video call with me while I was during my military service and shared some invaluable career advice with me.

  • Hongmin Park kindly shared a buildspace buddy pass with me.

  • Sangjin Lee also agreed to talk to me and gave me some great beginner tips on keyboards.

  • Sarah actually took the time to actually read my long rant.

  • Through, I received compliments that I am sure I will take to my grave: Jonas Maaløe kindly said of my portfolio, “This site rules, and I'm going to steal a great many ideas around how to make a site that's more than just a resumé. Thanks!”

  • Andrew Levada messaged me recently saying “hiiii. i just wanna say i am very grateful — your post was the first one ever i read on post/”

  • Francesco Imola said “I remember your website actually! from like a year ago when you first posted it. Like it a lot”

  • God knows I’ve spent countless hours stalking people’s portfolios and projects. Some notable people I was silently in constant awe of: Adam Eastburn, Raffi Chilingaryan, Mariana Castilho, Brian Lovin, Yihui Hu, Ross Zurowski, Steve Crosby, Justin Jay Wang, Siddharth Arun, Tauren Bryant, Linus Rogge, Anton Stallbörger, Chester How, Yiyang Chen, Erica Fustero, Spencer Bittle, Lisheng Chang, Thu Le, Elissa Martial, Ryan Gilbert, Steven Yuen, and so many others.

Anyways, I might have written a bit too much. TLDR, I’m going to miss

If anyone plans on coming to Korea, hmu! Consider me your personal Korean tour guide - I shall take you to the finest Korean BBQ spots. At the moment, I’m based in Singapore, so also let me know if you’re in the area!

Built by Joon